200413 TIL TDD - [Udemy] React Testing with Jest and Enzyme 2
Apr 13, 2020
TIL (Today I Learned),
[Udemy] React Testing with Jest and Enzyme 2
**섹션 2: Simple React App: Click Counter **
dir: click-counter
initial tests
test("renders w/o error", () => {});
test("renders increment btn", () => {});
test("renders counter display", () => {});
test("counter starts at 0", () => {});
test("clicking btn increments counter display", () => {});
html attribute ID or class 사용하면 나중에 문제생길 수 있음
- production에서
지우기npm i —save—dev babel-plugin-react-remove-properties
npm run eject
- babel setting 다 빼줌-
package.json 수정
“babel”: { // 아래 추가 “env”: { “production”: { “plugins”: [ [“react-remove-properties”, {“properties”: [“data-test”]}] ] } }, “presets”: [ “react-app” ] }
npm run build
JS Doc
* Factory function to create a ShallowWrapper for the App component.
* @Function setup
* @param {object} props - Component props specific to this setup.
* @param {any} state - Initial state for setup.
* @returns {ShallowWrapper}
const setup = (props = {}, state = null) => {
return shallow(<App {...props} />);
* Returns ShallowWrapper containing node(s) with the given data-test value.
* @param {shallowWrapper} wrapper - Enzyme shallow wrapper to serach within.
* @param {string} val - Value of data-test attribute for search.
* @returns {ShallowWrapper}
const findByTestAttr = (wrapper, val) => {
return wrapper.find(`[data-test="${val}"]`);
⭐️Challenge 1 - decrement button (don’t copy/paste!)
⭐️Challenge 2 - no count below zero
- if the counter is at zero, and the decrement button is clicked:
- don’t decrement the counter
- display an error message saying the counter can’t go below zero
- enzyme method 확인하기!
⭐️Challenge 3 - remove error when increment button is clicked