200408 TIL TDD - [Udemy] React Testing with Jest and Enzyme 1
Apr 8, 2020
TIL (Today I Learned),
[Udemy] React Testing with Jest and Enzyme 1
섹션 1: Introduction to Jest, Enzyme and TDD
dir: demo
TDD = write test before we write the code
- write a shell version of code (기능 안하는 function)
- write the test (fail하는 test) - red part→ we want to see the test fail
- failing test 가지고 write code to pass → green part
Why TDD ?
- 처음엔 effort가 많이 든다고 생각하지만 나중에 코드 수정 후에는 effort 없이 테스트를 다시 돌릴 수 있음
- 결국엔 더 나은 코드를 짜게 됨 (better organized code, plan before coding, fewer bugs, great code coverage)
- Code Coverage is a measurement of how many lines/blocks/arcs of your code are executed while the automated tests are running.
jest --watch
: rerun the test if a change is made (since the last commit)
- docs https://jestjs.io/docs/en/getting-started
it will return true ( ↔toBeFalsy()
Enzyme (vs React DOM)
- creates virtual DOM for testing
- allows testing w/o a browser
- shallow rendering = render components only one level deep (render parent, but use placeholders for children)
- npm i –save-dev enzyme jest-enzyme enzyme-adapter-react-16
docs - https://enzymejs.github.io/enzyme/
test(“renders w/o crashing”, () => { const wrapper = shallow(
); console.log(wrapper.debug()) });
Types of tests
- unit test = test one piece of code (usually one function)
- integration test = how multiple units work together
- acceptance / end-to-end(E2E) test = how a user would interact with app
Testing Goal
#1 ease maintenance tests not having to rewrite tests when you refactor
- Testing Behavior ⭕️
- set initial state - simulate button click - check displayed count to see that it was incremented by one
- Testing Implementation 🚫
- set initial state - simulate button click - check to see if particular function was called
—> testing implementation (function name) not behavior (display update)
#2 easy diagnosis of failing tests
- difficult to diagnose test 🚫
- test that after entire process - if it fails, can’t find what step was the problem / it needs further investigation
- easier to diagnose ⭕️
- after each user action - test expected internal state change or test that a particular function was called (→ testing implementation???) —> trade off && balance
No snapshots
because 1) no TDD 2) brittle 3) difficult to diagnose 4) no intent